Saturday 8 August 2015

Driffield Steam Fair

A quiet evening in Driffield!

Saturday 8th August 2015

Today and tomorrow are given over to the Driffield Steam and Vintage Rally. As is usual on the Saturday evening there is a parade of all vehicles into the main street. The procession takes about one hour, before all the vehicles come to a halt on both sides of the road. The charity buckets are passed around, the occupants of the vehicles mingle with the local people, then after a bite to eat and a drink, they return to the showfield. I took my photograph on Mill Street at the junction with Market Place (the main street). I wanted the showman's engine to be centre of attention, but there was far too much colour around. I therefore decided on black and white with colour only on the engine.

1 comment:

  1. And popped colour pictures of traction engines in Driffield. 😀😉
