Sunday 16 August 2015


I only have eyes for you!

Sunday 16th August 2015

I was out walking in Harwood Dale today, the weather was great, bit cloudy, but sunny and warm. I had walked down a bridleway from the Reasty road (the farm on the hill on the left) and had passed half a dozen young bullocks. They were curious and as I approached they ran away. I turned right into the above field and walked close to the fence, there were sheep in the field and quite a few bullocks. They saw me and came trotting over. I ignored them and carried on walking, they got closer, I looked up and they ran off. I could see they were just young animals and carried on. The next thing I heard them coming behind me, I looked round and they were stampeding, I turned and clapped my hands. Some stopped, others ran away, but some kept coming slowly towards me. Then they obviously felt brave as a group and all started running towards me. I realized they meant business and ran for the gate. I just got through the gate!
I stopped to wonder what would have happened had it been a family out walking, they would have been absolutely terrified - it doesn't bear thinking about. Farmers complain about walkers trespassing all over their land, but if the footpath or bridleway was fenced off (electric or otherwise) to prevent livestock from coming into contact with members of the public, there would be a safe defined path, so no need to stray and harmony - simple solution?

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